This article also reminded me of a conversation I had with someone a while ago. When was the last time you were alone. Completely by yourself without any way of contacting someone; no cell phone, no internet, nothing. It's rare. Even when I'm asleep, I have my cell phone on and charging right by my pillow, awaiting a morning message from friends. This dependency is what we "millennials" have grown up with. We've been raised by helicopter parents, attended school using online resources, and given a plethora of handheld devices with that unforgettable apple slapped on the back. It's what we know. And now, it could be our downfall.
We've become significantly less independent than previous generations. Yes, we're capable of figuring out the movie schedule on our own and we could tell you the scores of last night's basketball game in under a minute, but what about the stuff that matters? What about filling out insurance information for your doctor? Financial aid for school? Balancing a checkbook? And what about quality alone time void of any type of visual or audio intake. When was the last time you went for a run by yourself without white cords popping out of your ears? Or setting time out of your day just to read a book for pleasure? I feel like our generation is losing all of these simplicities. In addition, because of online social networks, people have the desire to share personal information with the internet world. It's intended to be read by friends and family, but when you press ENTER on your keyboard, you are risking your information to be read by complete strangers. I feel as though there is little to no discretion with people's lives. There's no time better than this to stress that some things were meant to be kept to yourself. Do not sell your secrets to the mystical in-ter-web.
Moderate yourself and your use of technology. Of course, I'm smiling as I type this online blog, but you understand what I mean. You get it :)
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